Wednesday, June 11, 2014

We're baaack. Again!

Well, not really. Not yet back at Iwura (but soon I hope) but back to the blog at least. Our new friend Matthias is staying and he has taken some photos. Thank you Matthais. So I thought I'd share them here. What a difference a year makes! The garden is coming along leaps and bounds and the flower tower is now a nice thing and not a monstrosity. There are no pits or craters and soon, soon, soon, there might even be a BBQ or a pizza oven. Or both. If anyone reading knows how to build either please let me know?

1 comment:

  1. Kathryn Chang BarkerJune 12, 2014 at 7:36 AM

    Thanks Dawn and Matthias! I canNOT wait for my turn to update the photos.


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